Goodbye India!

Saturday April 14th, 2007 by Brian

I feel like a pro as I dodge the bus station touts, pre-emptively wave off the beggard child and pit three taxi-wallahs against each other to save myself 40% off my taxi to the airport, finally ignoring his attempt to bait and switch me for an extra 50 rupees. India is my oyster; a polluted, trash-filled oyster whose own inhabitants don’t give two shits, but an oyster nonetheless.

I am sitting at the airport about to begin a series of five flights from eastern India to Mumbai via Delhi and onwards to Paris and then Rome to reunite with Jennifer and meet up with my cousin Patrick. The last two and a half weeks have been a whirlwind but …

There’s plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead

Saturday April 14th, 2007 by Brian

From Delhi to Darjeeling to Dooars, the ambient noise level hasn’t changed much but just 1km off the road at the Jaldapara tourist lodge in Madarihat the sounds are completely different. Chirping birds, mooing cows and some kind of howling animal (a peacock I think). Despite the pack of stray dogs that kept me company from the bus drop-off to the hotel, I have only heard a couple of isolated barks this morning.

Today was a long and exciting way to travel from Darjeeling to Madarihat. The distance is not particularly far but I packed in three days of activities and transport to keep things exciting.

I started off by waking up at 4am so I could watch …

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