Orange is my favorite color

Archive for the 'Web/Internet' Category » Page 9

Programmatically process bounced email to determine the cause of the bounce and whether or not it’s fatal. Has hundreds of bounce signatures collected over the past four years ready for use.

This slide by Adam Nash of LinkedIn via Christina that describes the skills of a successful Product Manager for a web company. It graphs what I love about my job as an entrepreneur: the opportunity to participate in many disciplines. This week I coded a major new feature, negotiated a travel [...]

The latest version of PowerNap, the ColdFusion-based REST API engine, has been released to RIAForge. 0.9 is now available with lots of new features that I helped develop.

A graphical cheat sheet for developers using Mark Mandel’s Transfer Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) onetomany, manytoone or manytomany relationships.

The overwrite option of the Ant Sync task ensures that both pushing updated builds and rolling back code will be successful.

Using the SQL EXISTS feature to more rapidly determine subquery results. Works in most databases like PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle and so forth.

Weird behavior I just uncovered:
<cffunction name=”onMissingMethod” output=”false” returntype=”any”>
<cfset var output = “” />

<cfinvoke component=”#getPayment()#”

In my post on synchronizing Transfer ORM with TransferSync, I used Apache ActiveMQ 5.1.0 which was not reliable for me. After about a week of uptime, one of the hosts would invariably lose its connection to the queue and TransferSync would start throwing errors. I thought I had solved it via a wireFormat [...]

People get an ego stroke by seeing their name in the credits of something. We all love it. Yet how many of us have contributed code to an open source project they didn’t start? I can’t tell you how many times I have considered contributing to a project I use only to [...]

I enjoyed this piece by Jochem on a test conversion of his company’s database from MS SQL to open source Postgres. Performance was similar, disk space was 75% less and licensing costs? Well… those would go to $0.