Orange is my favorite color

Archive for the 'Web/Internet' Category » Page 3

Download a free database of 600 conjugated Spanish verbs under a Creative Commons license courtesy of Professor Fred Jehle

A couple of tweaks for QmailToaster install to update CHKUSER 2.0.9 and improve DSPAM integration

Packt Publishing’s “jQuery Mobile First Look” arrives at a timely juncture

Breathing new life into my Thinkpad X61 with 8GB RAM, SSD and x64 Windows 7

Installing Apache ActiveMQ as a service on 64-bit Windows 7

March was a busy month – we were upgrading and consolidating infrastructure around here which meant taking a 2U VA Linux 2230 server that had – quite literally – been serving mail for more than a decade, and upgrading it to a more contemporary machine for which spare parts exist. Knock on wood the [...]

Store only a subset of files on Amazon S3 using s3cmd and a little date logic. Lets us put the last 5 database backups (or something similar) in a safe place without saving every dump forever and costing us $$$.

Three useful regular expressions for cleaning up code

Fix memory leaks in ColdFusion applications by ensuring every cffunction tag has output=”false” with this RegExp

I’m setting up a new server as recent posts and tweets have suggested. Just about everything was working with one exception: horribly slow startup times of 2-4 minutes on a dual quad-core Xeon machine with 16GB of RAM. Tailing the cfusion-event.log during startup, ColdFusion would hang either when starting the SQL manager pool [...]