Orange is my favorite color

Archive for the 'Web/Internet' Category » Page 23

A quick post from the road, because I’m sure this is valuable to folks out there. There is a min-width emulation for IE floating around that involves the use of an expression() call that only IE supports. I am using min-width in the next version of an application to ensure the data doesn’t get [...]

What should have been an easy download and install turned out to be a ./configure nightmare. Here’s what’s necessary to compile the RC (and likely the final) on RH9. Using YUM against did not resolve a key dependency of readline on termcap-devel.

Make sure the -devel versions of the following packages are installed: [...]

I use a spam filtering package called DSPAM for server-side spam filtering. It’s a Bayesian package that is incredibly accurate. This morning while reviewing my quarantine, the spam count ticked over 100,000. This is since July 21st last year meaning I average a little more than 11,000 spams per month or 370 [...]

My very first “real” job was after my senior year of high school working at a Houseboat resort on Lake Shasta near Redding, CA. The owner of the resort was the father of a kid in my class and I spent my summer harvesting ice, taking out trash and being a general gopher.
Fast forward [...]

At the incessant prompting by an Ask Jeeves employee who shall remain nameless, I installed the Ask Jeeves Internet Explorer toolbar this evening. I decided to keep it next to my long-standing Google toolbar so I could contrast and compare. I use the Google toolbar probably something like once for every 2 minutes [...]