Orange is my favorite color

Archive for the 'Web/Internet' Category » Page 15

Christian and I collaborated the other day on a new feature for the excellent jQuery plugin, TableSorter. I can only take credit for the idea as Christian made the magic happen. This addition makes it now possible to sort any content, whether it be a form field, inside markup, etc.
The Situation
For simple data [...]

I love crazy long titles that make highly qualified claims. So as the title says, this is, in my humble opinion, the best available regular expression for ColdFusion developers who validate email addresses of everyday English-speaking users. Here is what I used to use, from This one is good because the [...]

While I’m not a designer, I do need to pop open Photoshop on a regular basis and save off graphics or make small changes. I often need to create a rounded corner rectangle when processing customer logos for theming and I never remember how to do it quickly. This tutorial shows the best [...]

I have been tempted, and even used successfully, the Transfer.clone() method to duplicate an existing Transfer object. But Mr. Corfield told me today that I was insane for relying on such a thing which is apparently well documented. So I began looking for another way to easily duplicate a transfer object.
Why I [...]

Is it possible to get permission to build and release a Live CD that includes a default ColdFusion Developer edition install on it? Or a VMWare image?
This would open a lot of possibilities for evangelizing and testing.

If you’re using my actionpack for search-engine safe URLs for Model-Glue, you may have noticed that appending values with a <result> to a redirected event uses the normal ?var=value syntax.
This unfortunately can’t be fixed by an external modification like my actionpack however the needed modification to the core is extremely tiny so I have made [...]

Heard via friends inside that Yahoo! is cutting loose lots of people today as speculated in the news recently. People are being called into conference rooms and dismissed. Apparently the severance package pays out through May so it’s a relatively “soft” landing. Tough times for the Y.

Yesterday I started a post talking about PostgreSQL 8.3 RC2 and this morning I come in to find the official 8.3 release in my inbox! There are quite a few interesting new features, a few of which are specifically of interest to ColdFusion developers:

UUID datatype
ANSI-standard SQL/XML support
ENUM datatype

There is a page about UUID support [...]

If you skim the Transfer docs, like I do, you might miss the fact that specifying a relationship (onetomany, manytoone, manytomany) automatically creates support for the column you reference. This can cause maddening errors like the following:
Error Executing Database Query.
ERROR: column “dtype” specified more than once
transfer\com\sql\QueryExecution.cfc (108)
transfer\com\sql\TransferInserter.cfc (371)
transfer\com\sql\TransferInserter.cfc (132)
transfer\com\sql\TransferInserter.cfc (49)
transfer\com\sql\SQLManager.cfc (61)
transfer\com\Transfer.cfc (197)
transfer\com\Transfer.cfc (177)
If [...]

A quickie tip that is (for me) easy to forget some days: I have a table with a foreign key. For certain reasons, I’m not creating a Transfer relationship with this foreign key and I want it to default to NULL. The object is defined like so in transfer.xml:
<object name=”club” table=”tblclub” decorator=””>
<id name=”ClubID” [...]