Orange is my favorite color

Archive for the 'ColdFusion' Category » Page 8

Found something out yesterday that I thought was interesting and a little surprising. I have my main application, let’s call it “www”. I am creating a new codebase called “api” that will be a RESTful API for third-party consumers (more on that later). I want to have the two applications share the same [...]

Transfer’s nifty cache causes real problems if you’re running a cluster as data changes without notifying other nodes. Over time, one server may report value A while another reports value B and the only way to correct this is to turn caching off. Boo! The solution is TransferSync, a recent project by [...]

I was reading about reinit troubles on the Coldspring users mailing list today. It made me think this might be an interesting meme to see how many ways people restart their applications.
My Routine
I run a Model-Glue, Coldspring and Transfer application. Here’s how I restart my application:
<!– see if we should restart the [...]

Have you had your application in production for awhile? Maybe you have a little traffic now and you’re starting to see some places where performance could be better? The easiest place to find gains that will benefit your entire application is usually in the database. Because the schema tends to be [...]

When we rolled out our big Model-Glue/Coldspring/Transfer upgrade five months ago and ran into performance problems, we did some Craigslist shopping on a Sunday to buy some faster hardware that would hold us over until we could put a real fix in place. We have since acquired a couple of Compaq DL360G4s and I’ve [...]

Thanks to a tip from Elliott Sprehn on the Transfer list, I installed Java 1.6 u10 RC on my laptop to see how my Model-Glue/Transfer/Coldspring application performed with the JRE ClassLoader bug fixed. I’ve gotten in the habit of simply restarting my CF instance rather than reinitialize my application because it’s been faster in [...]

I don’t work with SQL Server much so I thought this might save someone else some effort when trying to figure out the right combination of CFQUERYPARAM and Transact-SQL keywords. We have a search object that stores keywords and want to loop over the keywords to create a dynamic search query against our full-text [...]

Update – this issue appears to be fixed with CHF3.
I’m testing an application on ColdFusion 8 in preparation for an upgrade and have found a strange error. My reinit process clears the trusted cache using the Admin API along with restarting Coldspring and Model-Glue. On CF7, the following code works very reliably:
<cfinvoke [...]

It’s pretty common knowledge that the Java 6 JRE in ColdFusion 8 has a bug from Sun that makes loading CFC-heavy applications slow. This impacts most framework-based apps that use Model-Glue, Mach-II, Coldspring, Transfer and so forth. To be clear, it’s not the frameworks, it’s a bug in the underlying Sun JRE.
I have [...]

In the same member merging process described in my last post, I was running a bit of code with a TRY/CATCH that looked for a duplicate primary key condition and, if found, deleted it from the source account:
<cfquery name=”select” datasource=”#variables.datasource.getName()#”>
FROM roles
WHERE id = ‘#id#’
<cfloop query=”select”>
<cfquery name=”update” datasource=”#variables.datasource.getName()#”>
UPDATE roles
SET id = ‘#target#’
WHERE id = ‘#id#’
AND [...]