A graphical cheat sheet for developers using Mark Mandel’s Transfer Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) onetomany, manytoone or manytomany relationships.
A graphical cheat sheet for developers using Mark Mandel’s Transfer Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) onetomany, manytoone or manytomany relationships.
Using the SQL EXISTS feature to more rapidly determine subquery results. Works in most databases like PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle and so forth.
Weird behavior I just uncovered:
<cffunction name=”onMissingMethod” output=”false” returntype=”any”>
<cfset var output = “” />
<cfinvoke component=”#getPayment()#”
In my post on synchronizing Transfer ORM with TransferSync, I used Apache ActiveMQ 5.1.0 which was not reliable for me. After about a week of uptime, one of the hosts would invariably lose its connection to the queue and TransferSync would start throwing errors. I thought I had solved it via a wireFormat [...]
I enjoyed this piece by Jochem on a test conversion of his company’s database from MS SQL to open source Postgres. Performance was similar, disk space was 75% less and licensing costs? Well… those would go to $0.
I’m setting up my first production implementation of CFPAYMENT and I’m managing it with ColdSpring (of coz). Here’s a neat little snippet of ColdSpring configuration that shows how easy it is to get started with the project:
<bean id=”PaymentService” class=”model.cfpayment.core”>
<constructor-arg name=”config”>
<entry key=”path”><value>braintree.braintree</value></entry>
<entry key=”MerchantAccount”><value>0</value></entry>
<entry key=”Username”><value>demo</value></entry>
<entry key=”Password”><value>password</value></entry>
<entry key=”TestMode”><value>true</value></entry>
If you’re interested in publishing or consuming RESTful APIs with ColdFusion, I’ve created a new CFREST Google Group for discussing the topic at http://groups.google.com/group/cfrest. Come join the discussion and get up to speed on RESTful API design and consumption!
Here’s how to do serious scaling with PostgreSQL for pennies:
Use pgpool for replication, load-balancing and failover
Run the whole thing on Amazon Web Services like Soocial
Done. There were some examples in AWS’ docs suggesting an “average web database of 100gb” with 100 I/Os per second would cost around $36/month to run. I’m pretty sure [...]
I have been working with a contractor in India recently on a Javascript project using Ext. I wanted to outsource the front-end development since we have extensive APIs that would take an outside developer longer to get up to speed on. Due to PCI DSS and general security practices however, we can’t just [...]
In my previous post, I detailed my desire to convert from char(35) to Postgres’ native uuid datatype for storing ColdFusion UUIDs. I ran into a handful of problems and Andrew shared this tidbit of Postgres SQL that I haven’t used before:
ALTER TABLE uuidtest ALTER COLUMN uidTest TYPE uuid USING uidTest::uuid;
I ran this on my [...]