Orange is my favorite color

Archive for the 'Business' Category

Cars Yeah interviewed Brian Ghidinelli on business, cars and lessons learned.

How 45 days of “testing” grew my email list by 53% after 9 years of “implementing”.

2013: maximum attack!

My recent interview on startups, travel and motorsports is live on

CFPAYMENT, a ColdFusion payment processing library, goes gold with a 1.0 release!

Using the Batchbook REST API to create contact records from ColdFusion

Trust your gut. The important part is that people are talking.

Digital media is ephemeral but the discovery of an old consulting project is a quick trip down memory lane

New Amazon Web Services offer EC2 monitoring, load balancing and auto-scaling. These tools make it easier to achieve high availability without a cost penalty.

Inspiration and insight from other entrepreneurs on startups and what it takes to succeed. Great Friday reading.