March 1, 2009

At first I thought Microsoft had a sense of humor. I should have known better!
(sorry about my theme making you scroll the image; the punchline is at the right!)
At first I thought Microsoft had a sense of humor. I should have known better!
(sorry about my theme making you scroll the image; the punchline is at the right!)
Zack Steinkamp said:
on March 2, 2009 at 12:02 am
I could have sworn that IE6 was the end of the (productive) internet.
Btw, 64% of my site’s 1.5MM monthly users (most from search engines, so they’re not the savvy early adopters) have screen resolution of > 1024×768. Maybe it’s time for a wider theme!
Ben Nadel said:
on March 2, 2009 at 1:06 pm
Ha ha, that’s awesome.