Orange is my favorite color

Archive for 2008/06

In the same member merging process described in my last post, I was running a bit of code with a TRY/CATCH that looked for a duplicate primary key condition and, if found, deleted it from the source account:
<cfquery name=”select” datasource=”#variables.datasource.getName()#”>
FROM roles
WHERE id = ‘#id#’
<cfloop query=”select”>
<cfquery name=”update” datasource=”#variables.datasource.getName()#”>
UPDATE roles
SET id = ‘#target#’
WHERE id = ‘#id#’
AND [...]

Something I learned today in my very rare use of CFTRANSACTION. I have a process that merges member accounts. This is needed when people create more than one account because they forget or can’t access their email account, etc. Because of the scale of this operation and it’s total behind-the-scenes nature, I’m [...]

After seven months of heavy development and a rocky-but-now-stable launch behind me, I feel like I have some command over Model-Glue (instead of the other way around). I am certainly no expert but I want to share a few of the things that tripped me up when I was getting started and solutions that [...]

Dan Switzer has been up to more good with jQuery releasing a multi-column dropdown plugin developed for Giva that can handle an arbitrary number of elements from a series of nested unordered lists.
There are two things that I like about this plugin in particular:

Full support for keyboard input
Designed to handle a lot of data

I have [...]

When I started the process of rebuilding my application in Model-Glue, Transfer and Coldspring nearly 9 months ago, the DIY programmer in me moaned at giving up direct control over the persistence layer in using Transfer. But it was clear that if I was going to commit to going OO with my ColdFusion application, [...]

After lots of hard work and many improvements by Aussie Mark Mandel, it looks like Transfer 1.0 is within a few hours is of a public release. Congrats Mark – a job well done!
Update 6/8: The announcement is out and the code is available for download. I’ll be upgrading our production tomorrow. [...]

I thought maybe it was just me, but it turns out uninvolved third parties have the same head-scratching case of bewilderment.
2008 called and it wants its common sense back. Pronto.