Orange is my favorite color

I’ve been working on my exception reports and one of the things I wanted to do was isolate the equivalent of a “404″ response in Model-Glue to be more graceful to the user. I found this post from Ray’s site and a promise in the comments from Joe Rinehart that typed exceptions would make their way into the final MG release but apparently it never happened.

It turns out this is a pretty easy thing to add yourself and it only requires adding about 30 characters to a single line of a single file. Replace line 45 in ModelGlue/unity/eventhandler/EventHandlerRegistry.cfc with:

<cfthrow type="ModelGlue.UnknownEvent" message="Model-Glue: There is no known event handler for """"." />

Now MG will throw the ModelGlue.UnknownEvent exception. I just made this up – you could name it whatever you like. Then using your exception handler, you can test for this particular exception like so:

<cfif structKeyExists(exception, "type") AND exception.type EQ "ModelGlue.UnknownEvent">
// 404 type handler
// everything else

Your 404 handler can be quite robust including looking for misspellings, checking for broken IDs in URLs, looking up similar types of events and so forth. I’m just displaying a “Broken Link” message for now. Anyone have any other clever 404 handling ideas?


  1. Antony said:

    on May 15, 2008 at 4:09 am

    Hi – I parse the error message. If it contains ‘no known event handler’ I figure that’s a url typo. Pretty low tech…

  2. brian said:

    on May 15, 2008 at 10:40 am

    That definitely works but this feels more “clean” to me plus it uses the exception handling mechanisms ColdFusion was designed with.

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